Wednesday, October 1, 2008

$700bn bailout

Holy simoleons! Welcome to misleadership, a blog all about finding examples of leadership gone awry. Where to start... how 'bout with the largest lead parachutes - yours now for the low-low price of $700bn.

Seriously, folks. Are we going to let this package through our government, given that it'll benefit at most 1% of the people? Are we really willing to pay off these Wall Street cronies who've misabused their power these past 7 years, responding to so-called homeland defense needs? Really?

Seems to me that the large defense contractors and oil companies should be able to flit the bill... didn't Exxon/Mobil ring in over $600bn these past few years. That would do it, costing the taxpayer nothing. It may require some of these execs selling off their off-shore yachts, but that seems only fair since they're the ones who've put us in this position in the first place...

I guess I just don't trust cronies in any form - politician, investment broker, insurance salesman, whatever the guise.

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